We have begun work on a new parody album, title TBD. I’m hoping to be able to post progress reports here about progress thereon.
The final lineup of songs hasn’t been decided yet, but I can tell you what we’ve got on the cooktop.
We have tracked two complete songs! Two wit:
“The Counselor” (ttto a well-known Billy Joel song). Subject matter: Counselor Troi, because, by golly, that girl deserves her own filk song. The song features the harmonica chops of the amazingly talented Beckett Gladney, who designed the album art for I Remember the Rain.
“Won’t Get Fooled Again” now also exists as a complete parody of the hard-rocking version by The Who. Our previous version was unplugged.
Almost complete are:
“Salisbury Steak”, based on a little ditty by Peter Gabriel (whose bass player we have been known to borrow for our ‘serious’ albums), and for which we enlisted the voice talents of Mr. Paul “Mama Shmio” Kwinn.
“Rocket Raccoon”, a song that needs no further explanation.
We have also continued our dreaded habit of pilfering Queen’s repertoire and have done the lead vocal tracks for parodies of “Killer Queen” and “Death on Two Legs” with an assist from our son, Alex, who’s also featured on Grated Hits in “Hey, Blue” and “Our Meds Are Cheaper” (The victims of these are Pink Floyd and Blue Oyster Cult, respectively).
We have the instrumental tracks for “Losing My Companion”, for which Jeff actually purchased a mandolin … or two.
Oh, and lest I forget, we are also returning to one of our favorite gifts that keeps on giving—Star Wars—for a parody of the Village People’s “YMCA”. Hint: within the Star Wars fannish and writing community, the Galaxy Far, Far Away is referred to as the GFFA.
That’s the update for now. I’m sure I’ve left something out, but I’ll check back in to keep y’all posted.
Is the “52nd Street Cinema Song (B Grade Movie)” under consideration for inclusion?
B Grade Movies is definitely going to be on the album. 🙂